Tuesday 30 April 2013

Finally, I’m a “Journalist”

As they always say “No Pain no gain”, the sleepless night of the years 2010-2012 have finally played off. I am finally a graduate with a National Diploma in Journalism from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
It has been a long crooked journey indeed but the endured pain has landed me and my fellow colleagues where we are right now. As for some people like me the recently acquired qualification has made us the first graduates in our families.
This in essence makes the whole graduation thought marvelous as I feel I’ve set a standard for my siblings. It always feels good to know that what I worked for, for the past years is an inspiration to many.

Now the time has come for me and the fellow graduates proceeding with their studies to aim higher for greater heights. Now the ball is in our hands to make the best of the remaining months, to continue to be an inspiration in our communities and make our families proud.
 I would like to extent my congratulations to all the CPUT Autumn graduates for this great achievement and to those who didn’t make it, its not the end of the journey. There is still a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

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