Tuesday 30 April 2013



Is new media replacing Traditional Media?

Source: Googgle

Over the past years the world has been evolving and seemingly people have shifted away from the so called traditional forms of media that include newspapers, radio and television.

With the constantly changing media atmosphere people have therefore opted for the easy way out, which is new media (Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Linked in etc.). The question that one would ask themselves however is that - Is it “in with the new and out with the old”? I personally am of the notion that the traditional forms of media are dying out and it is high time the public fully utilizes new media as it is here to stay.

In my view, I see no point in buying a R10 Cape Times Newspaper copy yet I can access the same articles for free on IOL website. A few months back the owner of Cape Times , an Irish publishing group,  Independent News and Media (INM), sold its South African unit of the company  to Sekunjalo Independent Consortium, for a cool R2 billion.

This to some extent is clear evidence that the company wasn’t making enough money hence it was sold. There is only one reason that any person would sell their property, the sole reason is simply that it has become a liability rather than an asset. If we also look at how individuals and companies are using Linkedin as a marketing tool, it is somewhat clear that social media is taking over.

Nowadays it is quite hard for one to secure a job through application letters but Linkedin does it for the companies. It is however important to note that social media sites are not the safest places for one to keep and share confidential information as they are prone to hackers. In 2011 I attended a media seminar at the Cape Town International Convention Center.

 There was a delegate who did a presentation on Privacy on Facebook, which served as an eye opener to many. As part of his presentation, asked a random person for their name then within a few minutes he logged in to their Facebook profile and projected it on a screen for everyone to see.

Therefore in as much as we should tap in the constantly changing media atmosphere it is also essential that one is cautious with the kind of information they give one social media sites as they are not “totally safe”.

Thank you!!

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